Saturday, October 31, 2015

Baby Blanket

I started a baby blanket last night!  Well, I attempted to, until I was hit with a wave of fatigue so hard I thought I was going to pass out, while sitting down!  I had just enough energy to take my prenatal and crawl into bed.

Where I proceeded to lie awake for several hours.  AUGH!  I can't be alone in this.  I feel like a Nirvana lyric.

I did, however, 'wake up' this morning and went for a walk to the local donut shop.  Cake donut with sprinkles - mm!  I am still not gaining anywhere near enough weight for my pregnancy, in fact I am losing weight, so I'm trying to remember to eat during the day.  I have never been successful at putting on weight when I want to.  Stop bitching - I'm tall and have skinny genes, so this has always been more of a 'bean pole' struggle than you might think.

My baby blanket is a light teal, gray, and yellow, as we don't know the sex of the baby yet and I like the colors - it will go well with our Pooh themed nursery!  I like my glider, I especially like that while I'm crocheting I am not able to focus on the numbness in my feet.  It seems to be the worst at night, gets better at about 11 AM, and then fluctuates for the rest of the day until about 9 PM when it gets really bad again.  Thus far, it has not creeped up my legs much, and I'm taking that as a good sign!

Neurologist decided not to do an MRI due to 'unknown risk to the fetus,' I was under the impression that an MRI was safe during pregnancy but I will defer to his judgment unless something really gets worse.

Enough for now, back to crocheting and watching "Moonrise Kingdom."  I love Wes Anderson movies, don't you?  Over and out -


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