Wednesday, October 21, 2015

T Minus...

I'm giving it until Friday to see if things improve.  T

here is no way this is just pregnancy; it feels too much like the first time, though less severe, which is a good thing I think.  I can still walk, but I definitely feel more unsteady, despite the fact that my legs feel fairly normal.  The numbness is moving around my feet throughout the day; at night, it's the worst, waking me up and making me panic.  In the morning, after walking around, I feel ok and barely notice the numbness.  By noon, it's starting to bother me again, ebbing and flowing.

Now it's about 8:15, I have had a very rough day at work, my crazy mother was set off again today and I'm getting hate mail, and my feet feel very funny.

Here's to hoping I can feel them by Friday.  If I can't, I will have no choice but to call my neurologist.

And I knew when I went to bed on Monday that my toe felt funny.


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