Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Swing of Things

In July, my husband and I bought 20 passes to the local rec center to work out.  We are not big workout people, by any means.  I am a fairly skinny person, so cardio work just makes me feel even more small - I try some weight training, but let's face it, I'm much more of a yoga person anyway.  My husband, on the other hand, is a bit larger (no thanks to my cooking) and has things like diabetes running in his family, so the need is much greater for him to make the effort.  He is a naturally stocky person, so he bulks up like a Viking quite nicely when he puts in a little time - win/win, right?

Well, I've been to the gym maybe once since then, did some running on my own, but let's face it - I'm an artist, a musician, a writer, a scientist.  I am NOT a jock.  I was beat up by jocks.  So working out is pretty much the last thing on my list.  My husband didn't go all summer, and he was home every day (he works in the school systems).

Today was not a great day sensation-wise; I have been incredibly stressed out at the prospect of moving to another state for my new job in June, and finishing a doctoral program by no means indicates that I have money, in fact quite the contrary.  I am broke broke broke broke broke.  Not to mention the imminent medical bill from my ER visit to be diagnosed with MS - what a nightmare.  So yes, the stress is taking a toll, and my legs feel really 'springy.'  It was a bad day for the shakes, and my heartburn was acting up.  I don't necessarily think the GERD is part of it, but I do notice that when I get the shakes, I get heartburn.  So, BLEH.

But, nevertheless, my husband and I went to the gym tonight.  I ran.  I ran and ran.  My legs went totally numb and I still ran.  I stretched my very tight muscles, but kept going.  I did a full lap of lunges, some walking, some butt-squeeze walking, some march walking - couldn't run any more, I gave myself muscle failure, but that's kind of the point.  I haven't worked out in so long.  And I don't want to hurt myself and not know it - it would have been very easy to fall into someone else, lose my balance, or collapse, because I wasn't regulating my legs very well.

Tomorrow, I'll be in a lot of pain, and I'm guzzling water.  But tomorrow, I'll be in pain that I can control.  It's a good feeling.

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