Saturday, March 26, 2016

Finally.... A Plan!

I finally got through to my neurologist!

We are going to move ahead with an MRI w/contrast after my baby is born to see if there are any active lesions, and talk about DMD options.  He really only met me in person one time, and I was very healthy, just needed a new prescription from him to keep ordering my Gilenya at the time.  I really can't fault my doctor for not being familiar with me and how my body responded to things like steroids at initial Dx; I'm wanting to be more patient with him.

Out of principle, I had to ask if he thought doing some kind of steroid treatment after birth would potentially improve my vision, and he said no.  It is likely the damage from the initial inflammation in early December has been done, and it's not going to get better unless my nerves decide to heal further.  While this is disappointing, I think I've had enough time to digest this (16 weeks) and I can still create with fucked up vision on the right; case in point:

His name is Dufresne, and I painted him on Sunday.  So I haven't completely lost my ability to make good art, and that's comforting.  It definitely wasn't the same, and painting on the black background certainly made it easier.  I'll have to re-teach myself to paint on light.  Maybe I'll do another Tom Hiddleston portrait study on paper first, to get back in the hang of it.  I've become less patient with my art since I started painting vs. drawing, the drawing takes days where as the painting takes hours.  I'll have to make the time to retrain my brain, and hope nothing else degenerates my vision in the meantime!

Well, here's hoping that I won't have any active lesions when we take a look in April/May.  Fingers crossed!
Love, MSloan

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