Monday, January 25, 2016

ChatMS - 1/25/2016

This week's Chat MS was just about the new year.  I'm ready for a new start, aren't you?

Don't forget to copy/paste to your own blog, and keep the conversation going!

Q1 – How is life in 2016 treating you so far?

It's going ok.  I'm excited for my baby to come in April.  I'm struggling with my mother.  I'm struggling a little at my workplace.  But in general, things are overall good!

Q2 – Did you make any MS related New Year’s Resolutions? If so, care to share?

Yes and no.  I don't really have New Year's Resolutions - I have themes.  My theme for this year is Acceptance - because there are some things in my life that I truly cannot change, but I can accept that there will be challenges, and I will learn to overcome them.  I guess this does heavily tie into my MS as well as many other things.

Q3 – We are 4 weeks into 2016. Have you made good on your resolutions so far?

I think so!

Q5 – Do you think 2016 will bring more awareness for MS? If so, in what ways?

There is always hope for that - there are already stories of more celebrities with the condition, but I think that because it is still largely an invisible disease, we have a very long way to go for real 'awareness.'  People need to understand that no two cases are the same.  I hate being told "oh, so and so who I've known for many years has MS and is just fine..." I appreciate that you're trying to make me feel better, but really you're just trying to make YOU feel better because my predicament makes you uncomfortable.  It's ok to face the negative possibilities, too, and not view the disease under rose-colored glasses.  It doesn't make the problems go away.

Q6 – What are you looking forward to the most in 2016 when it comes to MS? (Specific research, treatment, etc.)  

My baby is the biggest thing on my mind.  After she arrives, I will be able to focus on what's new! 

Q7 – Don’t change your goals, change the way to achieve them. What is your biggest “Bucket list” item despite having MS?

Well my biggest goal in life is to be a rock star.  Always has been, always will be :)

Q8: Is there a particular symptom you'd like to discuss? What topics would you like to cover in the future?

I really would like to talk about MS Hugs, people who have failed steroid treatments, flares during pregnancy, other atypical experiences.  Lhermitte's sign, and dealing with people around them.

Love to you all! - MSloan

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