Thursday, June 19, 2014


Hello all!  I know it has been a while since I posted, but that is a good thing for sure.

The last time I wrote, I was doing some art therapy.  I completed some more of the commissions my friend wanted from the Marvel character series - I will post those eventually.  But right now, I'm just excited to feel well enough to create again.

I made the big move, and am now in California, very far away from the place I called 'home' my whole life.  I spent many hours in the DMV getting my license and car registered in this state; next is my professional licensure, but they want to make absolutely sure that the process takes as long as possible, so I am not holding my breath.

On the MS front, I have been on Gilenya for over a month now.  So far I have not noticed many nasty side effects, except that boo-boos do not heal like they used to.  If I get a scratch, a zit, or heaven forbid a gross sore anywhere else, it doesn't go away quietly.  I also think my anti-depressant is working; last week I would have normally been biting my husband's head off with PMS, but I didn't have any real mood swings at all.  Which is AWESOME.

I started work this week, and I am so happy that I ended up where I did.  Of course, the process is just starting, so most of my current schedule involves training and very, very boring reading - but I know that it is good for me in the long run, and I am so excited to just be working again.  I am beyond lucky to have chosen a career that allows me to do things that I love, both at work and at home.

So, there you go, world.  Right now, that's where the MS train lies.  I have not yet found a new neurologist out here, I have not yet figured out how my body reacts to the Gilenya, and I have the trouble of feeling like I'm keeping a secret from my coworkers because all of this is so recent.  But I will prevail - and so will you!  :)